The Flower Life.

Welcome to my world of blooms and blossoms!

From the moment I could toddle around my Grandma Mary's farm in central Illinois, flowers became more than just pretty petals – they became my passion. Picture this: a young kid from the hustle and bustle of Chicago, finding enchantment in the fields of my grandparents' farm. Grandma Mary, with her green thumb and endless love for flowers, became my first mentor in the art of floral design.

As I grew, so did my love for the delicate dance of petals and stems. While pursuing a career in banking (talk about a floral detour, right?), I kept my passion alive by diving into galas and weddings whenever I could. It was my secret garden, my escape from the corporate grind.

But then in 2020, just before the chaos of the pandemic hit, I decided to take a leap – to turn my passion into a full-time commitment. That’s when "Arranged By Andy" bloomed into existence.

Starting a business amidst the whirlwind of uncertainty was daunting, to say the least. But here's the thing – when you're fueled by passion, even the toughest storms can't dim your spirit. And seeing the smiles on my clients' faces, witnessing the joy that my design brought to their weddings and major life events – that's the real magic.

So here I am, living the dream, one event at a time. I'm beyond grateful for this journey and for the chance to spread a little floral love in this crazy world.

Some of my favorite things in STL

The Missouri Botanical Garden

Mobot is one of the gems of St. Louis, and one of the premiere botanical gardens in the world. Not only is it a literal wonderland of nature, but it is a critical source of important scientific research. As a member of the The Missouri Botanical Garden’s Young Friends Board, I’m a big supporter of this amazing institution.

Opera Theatre of St. Louis

I’ve been a lover of opera my whole life. Once you’ve had a taste of it, it’s hard to resist the draw of the music, the drama and the spectacle of it. St. Louis is fortunate to have one of the finest opera companies in the country, annually producing both the classics as well as annual premieres of new works.